

Current Version—Version 1.5: DMG Containing Mac Server and Plugins

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Production Release

Note: As of June 1, 2016, our Windows software is being provided solely on an unsupported basis. This means that we can no longer provide technical assistance to customers’ Windows environments. There is high variability in Windows installations, and we have been overwhelmed by the effort required to support them. While Windows installations are a small fraction of our customer base, they take the majority of support effort. We are just a team of three developers, and believe that we can serve our users best by focusing effort on OS X and iOS. We apologize for this, but hope you will understand. Thank you.
Dan, Nic and Patrick—the musicIO Team

Current Version—Version 1.50: Windows 64- and 32-bit Plugins

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Check out the Google Doc, which you can download as a PDF.

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